Monday, April 30, 2007


Well, it's almost over. I am feeling the thirty ton weight pushing down on my skull but I will come out victorious; I just need a little spinach. Little did you know that I am Popeye in disguise. I will be nice to be done with school in a couple of weeks but I am sure that I will miss it when I am working about everyday. This semester was a bit hectic for me. There was a lot going on and not enough time to do it in. I am a little frazzled right now but oh well. Next semester should be nice because I have two independent studies which will give me some time to breath. I can't wait. Then it will be time to plan for the future, if that is at all possible.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Another Blog

I have decided to dedicate a second blog to my poetry and short stories. So far I only have poetry on the blog, but I am planning on adding stories and such to the blog. If you are interested in visiting my creative blog here is the url: brunspoetry. I hope that you enjoy!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Im Her Passing

She is probably lying in her bed right now,
Her heavy Japanese eyelids collapsed
from the drugs and disease
that are at war within her veins;
Her slender frame masked
by the hand-knitted afghan;
blue and red and yellow and brown
yarn weaving astrological patterns
over her shoulders, arms, chest.
Her skin;
you can still see the light tan
loosely draped around her brittle skeleton;
the soft epidermis;
valleys and mountains;
the folds of time
stretched across her face
as I look into her withering brown eyes.
She sheds a tear;
not for her and not for me
but for what will be missed
as time moves on
and she collapses into everything.

The dusk of Wednesday.
Across the street sits a steeple;
Little children
and their mothers
and their fathers
and their grandmothers
and their grandfathers
filter out through the arch doorway
with little black crosses
thumbed into their foreheads.

The difficult task
of raising and lowering her chest
is painful to watch;
the whir of mechanical parts
manufacturing oxygen;
the leaky sound
of escaping gas
at perfectly timed intervals;
Bach would have written a requiem.
April showers bring May flowers
but I don’t want to look into the pine box.

She is still there;
I can see her puffy black hair
peeking through the kitchen door;
the broken English phrases
spilling love and adulation;
I can still see her
tending to the sick boy;
he barely notices

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What a Semester!

Well, my blogging this semester has been sparse, but it has been hectic for me. On top of the eighteen credit hours, I had to tend to my SRI project and the many presentations that came with the grant as well as cruising down to Vermilion to attend poetry slams and workshops. But the semester is winding down and I am ready for a break. I was a little perturbed at the recent snow fall because it is April!Where is my green grass?! Oh well. I've had an interesting semester anyway but I can't wait for the sun.